xerox easy translator service

XETS Discontinued: Use the Xerox Translate and Print Service Instead

It’s really amazing what modern printers are capable of, so much so that it’s nearly an anachronism to call these devices just printers. They’re truly workplace assistants of the technological variety that can do just about everything other than bringing you a cup of coffee (although by the looks of it, the engineers at Xerox are probably working on that, too). One of the coolest—there really isn’t a better word for it—features [...]

Why Businesses Love These 3 Apps From the Xerox App Gallery

One of the main reasons Xerox multifunction printers are able to set themselves apart from the competition is because of their extensibility—that is to say, the degree to which the “stock” hardware can be extended to perform new tasks. These machines are truly able to be customized to the owner’s exact specifications. In fact, this level of customization is available to a degree that many owners feel as though their MFPs have [...]

Did You Know That Your Xerox MFP Can Translate Documents Into Over 40 Languages?

Modern technology can do some pretty impressive things, but did you ever think we’d reach a point where your printer could translate documents from one language to another for you? How about within seconds, and with a surprisingly high degree of accuracy? The future is now, because that’s exactly what the Xerox Easy Translator Service is capable of doing—that and more. The app can provide both machine and human translations. In a [...]