xerox security

3 Ways Your Xerox Multifunction Printer Can Help You Save Time and Money in 2022

It’s hard to believe, but the new year is upon us—a new year, and new opportunities! Are you using your Xerox multifunction printer to its fullest extent? In today’s post on the Southwest Office Solutions blog, we’ll explore three ways that your MFP can help you save time and money this year. And if you’re considering an office equipment upgrade, these are just three more reasons to choose Xerox. Let’s take a [...]

Our Top 3 Tips for Printer Security and Remote Work

More companies than perhaps ever before are facing the challenges (and benefits) of remote work. With everything going on, it can be easy to put data security on the back burner—especially printer security. However, this year has seen a concerning uptick in data breaches and malicious cybercrime like ransomware attacks, so it can literally pay to be prepared. Let’s go over three important tips that will help keep your data safe whether [...]

Printer Cybersecurity for Small Businesses in 2019

According to the 2018 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) (summary here, PDF link), 58% of malware attack victims in the past year were categorized as small businesses. These are the attacks that you don’t hear about in the news—but they can nonetheless cripple a small business, or at the very least put them out of commission for a few days or even weeks. A network-attached (i.e., online) printer is a potential [...]